How to succeed as a blogger – Interview with Janice Wald []

In this interview, I spoke with the world-renowned blogger, 2019 Best Marketing Blog Nominee, and best seller author of The Guide to Building a Successful Blog, Janice Wald. Talking to her, I was mostly asking her questions about how to succeed as a blogger, because Janice is, more than obviously, one of the world’s most successful bloggers (check out the links, in the interview, below)

Thanks Janice, for the light fast response and willingness to work with me ….




  • Let me directly ask you what many of my readers probably think…
    Do you honestly believe that anyone can succeed with blogging (specially if he/she comes from such a small country like Slovenia (our market is of 2 mio inhabitants in total :))?
How to succeed as a blogger  -  Janice WaldMy answer is absolutely! I definitely believe people can be a success online especially considering we’re living in the Digital Age of the internet. You can blog from anywhere. Reaching an audience is easy if you do your research. For example, I use KWFinder to research keywords. This free tool tells me how many readers each month search for my topic. The more searchers, the more popular my topic is. The tool also tells me the competition for online readers which we want to be low. Between the two metrics, I can find readers without competition online.
Here is information about KWFinder and a tutorial
If you are still concerned, here is how you can find a target audience in a smaller group of people like you indicate your country is.
  • Seeing so many awards and media mentions about your work (on your site), surprised me, you even found time to answer my questions. How did you start blogging, why did you start, was a monetization your first goal of blogging?
Thank you for the recognition of my awards.
I started blogging when I received my Masters Degree in Education. This gave me confidence in my writing. Around the same time, the youngest of my daughters left for college. This afforded me the time to find to blog.
Yes. My first goal was monetization. Now, I enjoy helping people but I still try to focus on achieving my monetization goals.
  • Since I am blogging now for 8 years, I want to ask you, how do you achieve not burning out of writing so much content?
I try to capitalize on trends and new events in the blogging industry. For example, when Google+ and StumbleUpon folded, I blogged about those events. When the new social media site MeWe started, I found a guest author who blogged about the new site.
I recommend having a template of ideas in front of you.
Use this as a reference: It lists 50 blog post ideas
Congratulations on blogging for 8 years.
  • I see on your page, you obviously understand SEO very well…. What is your opinion … is it SEO success corelated with quantity of blog posts?


Thank you for the compliment on my knowledge of SEO.
You ask an interesting question. My answer is both yes and no. I’ll explain:
Google likes active blogs. Frequent publishing indicates you have an active blog.
On the other hand, Google also likes long-form articles that are detailed.
People may not have time to frequently publish such long, detailed articles.
Which is more important? The latter. Solve people’s problems for them. Others will link to your posts and your SEO will go up.
  • How should one start blogging in a not popular niche?


You need to do your keyword research. Find keywords in your niche with a large amount of search each month and a low competition for readership. Once again, here is information on KWFinder the free keyword research tool and an explanation of how to market to a specific, more narrow group of people.
  • Looking at your site, I am pretty sure you are monetizing your work, in many ways. Did you start with that thinking (to monetize it in many ways) at the beggining or has opportunities came through years of work?




  • What do you see the biggest mistakes for bloggers that are just starting their copywriting?


I didn’t study SEO or SEM (Search Engine Marketing). I didn’t know what I was doing.
I recommend taking classes. My business partner Peter teaches people to succeed at blogging and make money blogging. He started an academy on my site.
Check out the newly released Mostly Blogging Academy.


  • Who can and who can not succeed with blogging?


Anyone can succeed! With the right knowledge. I read a great deal.
Check out the first 3 free chapters of Blogging Like A Pro.


  • And final…. All this work on your site… Is it done by you solely or do you have a team of copywriters?


Just me!
Janice, once again thank you sincerely for your answers and your work. I truly believe your answers how to succeed as a blogger, will be inspiration for many of my readers. As you are inspiration still for me.